Web owner details

In accordance with the provisions set forth in the Law for the Information Society, languagejourneys.com and feedlr.com with ownership by Manuel Aicart, and tax residence on Avda. Alcora, 41, 12006 Castellón de la Plana, Spain.

You can contact us by e-mailing at [email protected] and [email protected] respectively.

The User agrees not to use the web page or its services and contents in a manner contrary to what is provided by applicable current legislation or the principle of good faith. Languagejourneys.com and feedlr.com reserve the right to withdraw access to the web, without prior notice, to any user who contravenes the provisions included in this legal notice.

Languagejourneys.com and feedlr.com reserve the right to modify at any time the present conditions.

Access Register

Languagejourneys.com and feedlr.com use cookies when a user accesses certain contents on this website. These cookies only link anonymous Users with their computers for the purpose of generating statistics and controlling access, without providing any personal User data. Should cookies be used in such a way that could grant access to personal data, the User will be informed conveniently in accordance with the regulations established in the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data.

Languagejourneys.com and feedlr.com store web access in log files for purposes of traffic control and web surfing habits. The aforementioned log stores the date, hour, where the User comes from, the web page accessed, and the browser being used. These data are not associated with any identifiable individual.

Personal Data

In accordance with Article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that personal details introduced on the web will be incorporated and dealt with in the “Web User File”, and the data owner is liable for their authenticity. The purpose of this file is for web user management, to grant access to the different services offered.

The affected party may exercise his/her rights of access, opposition, rectification, and cancellation by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected] respectively. Your user data will be deleted upon request.

Please also note there is a section in the Settings section where you can delete your user profile. When you click on the “Delete Account” button all of your data will be deleted, including name, and email.

Intellectual Property

Some of the website’s services may have been carried out by certain design agencies, in which case, they will be the owners of the copyright and/or intellectual property.

The terms and contents of this website are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights of languagejourneys.com, feedlr.com, or third parties. In no case is authorized (and will be persecuted) the total or partial reproduction of data and contents to which the User has access on languagejourneys.com, feedlr.com, or data that is used contravening the current legislation regarding Intellectual Property or Patent Rights.

Users whose works appear on this website that believe that their intellectual property rights have been infringed by an unauthorized use can get in contact with languagejourneys.com or feedlr.com and request that their content be withdrawn or that public access be blocked. The intellectual property of certain content belongs to their respective owners.

User Content

The User agrees to transfer this website free ownership of copyright, distribution, transformation and public communication of the content s/he sends, in all its forms, and for the maximum duration currently provided by the Law of Protection of Granted Rights and Authorized Third Parties.

The User who submits his or her work (which may be text, audio, pictures or audio-visual material) guarantees that s/he is the owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights and will hold this website not liable for any third party claim on the non-performance of the aforementioned content.

When sending his or her content to this website, the user agrees to the following terms:

This website will decide on the suitability of the content for the purposes of publication, and will be able to adapt it technologically for publication purposes. Content that violates the following rights will not be accepted: right to honour, personal and family privacy, image rights, personal dignity, non-discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, religion, opinion, nationality, disability or any other personal or social circumstance, or other rights that may be violated. The user declares and guarantees that:

Is over 18 years old

His/her identification data are truthful and verifiable

S/he is the content author, that the work is original and has not been plagiarized or impinges on third parties.

That in the case of sending pictures, audio or videos, these have been produced with the consent of the people featuring there and that these people are of legal age and agree and accept the consequences of sending that content.

As a result, the User assumes responsibility for the content and will not hold the web liable in case of infringement of the aforementioned guarantees.


The information provided by languagejourneys.com and feedlr.com does not intend to replace or substitute any legal, accounting, tax or other professional service.

Based on the general principles of electronic communication processes, languagejourneys.com and feedlr.com do not guarantee that access to the website will be free of interruptions, delays, errors, or computer viruses. Therefore, the information is provided as is, without any type of explicit or implicit guarantee on the accuracy of the information, nor is it guaranteed that it is complete.

In the event of a service interruption for reasons beyond the company’s control, languagejourneys.com and feedlr.com will use all available means to resume the service.

This website contains links to third party websites for convenience of its users. The inclusion of such links does not imply that languagejourneys.com or feedlr.com endorse, recommend, or accept any responsibility for the content of such sites. Once the user is on another website, s/he must comply with the legal terms provided by that web. In case a User considers that some links lead to an inappropriate website, s/he can contact us to propose its elimination or modification.

Website Modifications

Languagejourneys.com and feedlr.com reserve the right, to carry out changes and update their content at any time, as well as suspend access at any moment and without prior warning. Both access to this website and the use made of the information contained herein is the exclusive responsibility of the user.

Languagejourneys.com and feedlr.com shall not be held liable for any consequence, damage or prejudice that may arise out of said access or use of the information by the user. Likewise, they reserve the right to modify the presentation, configuration, location and conditions of access to the web, as well as its contents and conditions required to use them.

User Comments

All comments made on languagejourneys.com and feedlr.com are those of the authors. We reserve the right to moderate inappropriate comments.

User are encouraged to promote discussion and give their opinions in such a way that it is an enriching experience for everyone. Users should refrain from using insults or disqualifying other users, which would result in their comment being removed.